Sorry for not blogging in a really long time but I'v been busy everyday!! Especially now that school has started, everytime I get home I feel so lazy to on my laptop cause I've been facing it the whole day alr!
So anyway, 12-14 April was the AwesomePeople chalet!!!! Fkyeahhhhhhhh! Been looking forward to it months before it even happened!! hhehehehe!!
I had a blast during those 3 days! During the holidays the AP never had a chance to have an outing & this chalet finally brought all of us together again! So long never see them alr!! & not forgetting the fact that I finally saw my bby during the chalet cause he went Australia for 8 days! So I was really damn happy :D
I don't have the pictures with me yet but let me steal it from bestie's website xD
First night drank martell & second night drank vodka (:
The vodka bby bought from duty free when he came back from aussie. TRAVELER'S EXCLUSIVE OKAY! xD Only duty free got & I SWEAR IT TASTE FUCKING AWESOME!!! I SWEAR WITH THIS AH, YOU CAN GET DRUNK CAUSE YOU CAN'T FREAKING TASTE THE ALCOHOL! It says "Just add cola" & that's what we did! Taste like coke but with the lil bit of coffee taste. Aiyah fucking nice la!!!
BBQ FOOD! I attacked all the sambal stingray xD
& of course MUST have group pic right!!! HAHAHA!
So first night we had just acia for dinner then we caught midnight movie! :D
It is hilarious mannnn!!! & wtfffff the black dick. Damnnnnn eye sore man! HAHAHHAA!
Then we headed back to chalet and started the drinking games :D & had martell that night :D FUN FUN!!!
50 CENTS!! KA TE LI! HAHAHAHAHA! (inside joke)
Then second day we didn't manage to go wildwildwet lehh ): but then we invited a few friends over for the bbq (: Aftermath was a few rounds of monopoly deal (first time playing & it's so addictive!!!!) then drinking gameeeeeeeeee!! :D & had the vodka. Woah fucking shiok!! :D
So that wraps up the AWESOME AwesomePeope chalet xD
Then the next day on the 15th, I went to meet bby cause I had a complementary Bvlgari spa treatment manicure thingy :D
Then we had my fave xiaolongbaos aftermath!!! Woah we ordered alot lor!!! We were FUCKING full after the meal I swear our tummy could burst! & we couldn't stop complaining that we were full HAHAHAH! & sorry no pics cause we were too busy nomming :3
Then work on the 16th, 17th & 18th (: I really love this current job (:
But on the 18th, after work bby came to fetch me then we headed to marina square for dinner before our movie.
I swear the movie freaking sucks. But sorta hilarious la. HAHA!
Then 19th, 20th, 21st was school!!! 3 modules only! HAHAHAHA! Alot of people hate me cause I schooling 3 days a week only ):
But I love my modules! All theory! No codings! wahahahaha!
Then today is good friday :D
Did I mention that the relatives from my cousin's mum's side came to sg? Yeah they did. My cousin family staying our place but the rest of them, her aunties & uncles & cousins stay hotel.
So today we went to meet them to go sim lim cause they want shop. I swear they rich lor. Those "too much money till dunno how to spend it" kind one. They buy so many stuffs!
Then we had crystal jade for dinner & the total bill was 600++ close to 700 & my cousin aunt treat us. They always go fine dining restaurant or restaurants to eat one. No foodcourts.
Ouh anyway, I got my bb curve! HAHAHAHA! Though second hand but aiyah heck (: Daddy wanted to get but end up he tell me use first. LOL then I feel bad mah so I tell him to keep my bb bold so he can use whenever he want since that is new (:
So happy!! :D
p/s: Bby, I know you'll be reading this. You'll always be my silly bbyhubby :D Thanks for being understanding this past week knowing that I have my period so I'm always angsty ): But you were patient with me & even let me vent on you (: I love you so much!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I wanna be with you FOREVE (no R behind cause with you, forever doesn't have an ending) HEHEHEHEH cliche but I mean it! :D
HIM. (H)e (I)s (M)ine.
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